You belong at home with your family.
Preconception Care
Fertility Treatment
Preparing for pregnancy through nutrition, movement, and relationship preparation.
Pregnancy Confirmation
Blood and urine confirmation tests available.
Options Counseling
Half of all pregnancies are unplanned. We can confidentially discuss your options without shame or judgement. Only you know what’s best for you and your family.
Prenatal Care
1 hr Appointments
There’s no rush — let’s take the time we need to do this right.
Physical Assessment
Includes screening for COVID-19 symptoms and vitals assessment
Fetal Monitoring
Includes fetal heart rate monitoring with a handheld doppler or fetoscope.
Advanced Pelvic Care
Expert evaluation of function and preparation for birth, including referrals to the best pelvic floor physical therapists prenatally and postpartum.
Laboratory Tests
Includes standard panels such as blood typing, antibody screening, STI screening, and urine screening. Fetal DNA, gestational diabetes, and GBS screening are also available.
Rhogam for Rh- clients
Offered prenatally at 28 weeks’ or after medically-qualifying events. Also offered postpartum, if necessary.
Discussion and referral for all routinely offered and medically-indicated scans. No ultrasounds are required in care. Portable ultrasound is available for dating and viability confirmation, multiples assessment, and position confirmations.
24/7 On-call Support
Speak to your midwife any time of day or night for concerns and urgent questions.
The Midwife Touch
Shared Decision-Making
Childbirth Education
Breastfeeding Preparation
Incontinence Prevention and Pelvic Health Care

85% of all pregnancies are low-risk and safe to be at home.
Labor and Birth Care
Risk Management
Home Birth between 37-42 weeks’ gestation
Labor Assessment
Vitals Monitoring
Fetal Monitoring
EMS Transport as necessary, to Olmsted Medical Center or Mayo Clinic
Wellness and Treatment
Prescription Medications
Herbal Medications
Antibiotics for GBS
Suturing at home
IV Fluids at home
Vitamin K for Newborn
Erythromycin Eye Ointment for Newborn
Newborn Blood Typing
Non-Pharmacological Pain Relief
The Midwife Touch
Continuous Support through Labor
Water Birth
Delayed Cord Clamping
4 Hands: Help Partner Catch!
Children Welcome!
Placenta Tour
Home Birth Clean Up and Laundry
Witness and Protection of the Sacred

Postpartum is not 6 weeks.
It’s forever.
Postpartum Care
Continuity of Care
Parent and Baby Physical Monitoring
Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders Monitoring
4 Visits and Phone Check-Ins up to 8 weeks after delivery
Laboratory Tests
Nutrition and Sleep Counseling
Herbal Treatments
Perineal Healing
Well Woman Care, including Paps and Birth Control
24/7 On-Call Support
Newborn Care
In-home care Day 1 through 2 weeks of Life
Head to Toe Physical Exam at Delivery
Weight Gain Monitoring
Oral Assessment for tongue-tie
Critical Congenital Heart Defect Screening
MN Newborn Screening Blood Spot Test
MN Newborn Hearing Screening
Birth Certificate Registration
Breastfeeding Care
Latch Support
Nipple Pain Troubleshooting
Herbal Treatment for Milk Supply
Position Support
Referrals for Lactation Consultants
Natural Yeast Treatments